Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Why I Like My Job #4

Columbia built a Film cathedral.

The new Media Production Center is beautiful. Jeanne Gang's newly designed and built architectural wonder manages to treat the study of film both reverently and as a serious business.

The front end of the building is this gorgeous church-like space with stained glass test pattern windows shining a many hued light down upon the Captain Kirk command chairs below (? and cool nevertheless)

And the back end of the building is all business with a build shop that would make most handmen and handywomen nationwide jealous.

I wish I had pictures of the monster sound stages. . . but there were students selfishly filming in them when I took my tour.

And my office has provided a trolley for tour guests to get down to see that building. And, no, a trolley isn't as cool as the new MPC. But it's fun and I could ride in it if I really wanted to--every Monday and Friday. I could hitch a ride to the south of campus for meetings or what have you.

And that's pretty cool.

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