Sunday, February 19, 2012

I couldn't stop being domestic today if I tried. I made and froze the filling for butternut squash ravioli. . . ran out of steam before making the pasta, because I had already made homemade chicken potpies (from scratch) and prep-cheffed out for stir fry later in the day.

I cleaned the bathroom. I cleaned the kitchen. I mopped the floor.

But back to that butternut squash. I have made butternut squash soup about 8 times in the last 3 years. That means that I have cleaned about 18-20 of these bad boys--carving and peeling off the tough outside skin and then chopping the squash up into small pieces to then boil in stock to soften. What was I thinking?

The squash pictured above was rubbed with olive oil all over and then brown sugar on the cut faces of the squash and then I baked it in the oven at 375 degrees for an hour with the cut-side down on the cookie. when I took it out, the flesh just scooped right out. Tender. Sweet. AND NEXT TO NO WORK AT ALL!!!!! It was amazing.

Nom nom nom.

Lion. Dragon.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dan played a show last week in a theater that a had a backdrop that made it look like he was playing Prairie Home Companion. Rock and Roll! He was great.

The Congress Hotel looks like the back-drop for a noir film.