Sunday, December 13, 2009

More Cleveland Thanksgiving

So, if we're lucky during the Bardsley Thanksgiving in Cleveland, Dan and his brother have a hootenany for the rest of the family. They both have upsettingly beautiful voices and they often do this performance that mixes a perfect blend of pretty, heart-rending and the dumb/funny that twins inspire in one another. There are few things better than them playing together. And we lucked out this year.

So here are two videos taped on my crappy camera at a family party--which explains the coffee house chatter. The first song is them not getting through Rocky Mountain High, but not getting it through it in the funny way they have. And the second song, "My Favorite Chords" by the Weakerthans, Dan recorded a version for me for my birthday, so when he looks up and smiles at the moment in the song that goes "it's such an enormous thing, to walk and to listen". . . that's for me, or maybe, really, for me and Dan.

It's okay to be jealous of any of this . . .

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