Sunday, January 23, 2011


Dan has been going through a buffalo wing craving phase. Who knows why. . . this is a first in our eight happy years together. But all of the wings he's ordered from local restaurants have been pretty bad, and it's hard for me to watch him eat frozen TGIFriday's wings.

So, a big football game today and I thought I should probably try my hand at spicy wing cooking.

I don't deep fry food, so I baked them. Coated them in flour, then egg, then panko. Once cooked, I doused them in a sauce made of butter, Louisiana hot sauce, cayenne pepper, honey, worchestershire sauce, paprika, garlic powder and a tiny bit of salt. And they were awesome.

It was oddly satisfying to make. . .

and L.P. sure wished he could have some. I love the desperate, sort of haunted look in his eye here. He would have been sorry if we had shared, though. Dogs and spicy are never a great mix.

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