Sunday, August 16, 2009


Okay, so Chalk Restaurant isn't technically in Cincinnati. It's located in the rejuvenated riverfront area of Kentucky directly across the river. . . but it's all part of the package of Cincy living (as is the York Street Cafe--which is one of my favorite restaurants of all time, also in Kentucky).

Chalk is an amazing upscale restaurant that crafts new menus every week, based on what local produce is available to them in the area. And Cincinnati is a small enough city that there are farms close by--making that local shopping and eating so much easier than in a big city like Chicago.

Chalk showed up on my parents' radar because the chef came to buy produce from the family farm in Cleves, OH--Carriage House Farms LLC. He buys honey and bee pollen from my brother--plus seasonal veg and flowers for his table centerpieces. Read the fine print at the bottom of the menu and you'll find CHF listed in the thanked farms.

Giant hanging garlic scuplture. The restaurant host made fun of it, but I think it's clever.

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