Sunday, May 26, 2013

How I looked for the Next Two Days of Our Trip

Because we headed into Giant Redwood territory.  It felt like all I did for days was look straight up into the  sky.  There's nothing that can prepare you for the scale of those trees.  You can look at all of the pictures you want of cars driving through the trees or pictures of big picnic groups joining hands and it taking many people to go around the circumference of the tree, but you can't understand the overwhelming size of the Redwoods until you're standing amongst them.  I have a memory of it now, but even so, I know it's not doing them justice.  It's almost more than the mind can contain.

Added to that is the incredible stillness and quiet in the redwood forests.  You're dumbfounded by the size of the trees, but then you're also confronted by it in a place that is as quiet as church.  I think that it might be hard to visit the Redwood Forests and not be a little overcome or at the very least feel like you're in the heart of something larger than you, something that reduces you to and all of your worries and complaints to their appropriate teeny tiny size.

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