I love etsy for a million different reasons. But today it's "favorites." Favorites are splendid because people can favorite me and I have the instant gratification of knowing that there are people in the world who are looking at my
schtuff and enjoying it. But it's even more splendid because it functions like this family tree of happiness. Someone favorites me and then I can look at their shop and their favorites and see what other things they like and discover other amazing folks on etsy.
Etsy is a big place and it's wonderful that there's this easy way to discover different artists. So today, for example, through a favoriter, I found
kinglappin and this grumpy disapproving bun just in time for Easter. Love the cute face and the folded arms. I imagine that it's response to any questions I might pose would be, "meh," and a dismissive shrug.

Love. It.

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