Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Manifest is Coming Soon

Columbia College's annual urban arts festival, Manifest, celebrating all of our graduating seniors and graduate students is coming up soon. It's one of my favorite days of the year. . . but truth be told it's not just a day. Every year, at about just this time in April, an energy hits campus that is the beginning rumblings of that exciting celebration and it ramps up gradually through out the spring.

The staff throws a kick-off party today--and that's part of it. But that's so official. The thing I'm talking about is like little waves of excitement running through the students and the community. Usually how I notice it first is through higher levels and higher quality of graffiti around campus.

Exhibit A: Beautiful Wheat Paste on Harrison

Exhibit B: A Great Video About Landry Miller's Process in Designing the Branding for Manifest this Year

In the same way that there are the first signs of Spring, there are the first signs of Manifest. As they pop up, I will share them here. . .

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