This is my very first blog post for five trees. This is public, but I think I need this place to keep ideas going, to have an assignment to keep up on in addition to constantly finding time to knit and crochet and design around my day job. The man and I have begun seriously considering parenthood and I hear all of these horror stories from the new parents in my life about children sucking away all of their time. To be honest, I don't believe it, and I secretly think they're doing something wrong. That is a horrible thing to think and also to admit to--I love these fledgling parents who are friends and family and I shouldn't be assuming that they're doing something wrong! I'll know the truth soon enough. . .
But in the meantime, this blog is also about fear. . . fear that a little ankle biter will come along who will take my life away from me or that there will be a tiny person on the planet that I love so much that I will willingly give up all of my time (and my artwork and my creativity) for them. Afraid of that loss of my own thing, but also afraid of the actual love, the size of it, the weight of it, the enormity of it. How can such a huge thing exist?
I don't want to be terribly personal here. Just this once maybe.