So, it's been really warm in Chicago. . . a few days have actually been hot and humid. Over 80 degrees. The kind of weird extended hot spell in March that makes you want to look askance at Rick Santorum when he pshaws global warming as a bad scientific myth.
The last frost date for Chicago is in May, and with my garden coming to life so early, I'm worried things are getting set up to be damaged--especially the newly transplanted irises and lilies. I also am having to fight the pretty daily urge to get out there are get to work. There's no way that the end of cold weather has come to Chicago by St. Patrick's Day.
So, there's that worry, but it's also pretty exciting to see green things popping up all over and knowing that winter will soon be a thing of the past. Plus, Chicago is a magical place in the spring and summer--and last week, as if someone turned a switch on, the streets were filled downtown with slowly strolling folks enjoying the sun and the warmth. There's a party atmosphere in town when its warm, and I can't complain that it's come so soon.
Transplanted Asiatic lilies.

Our neighbors gorgeous tree--blooming a month early.
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