But thinking about that, I can't believe I didn't mention this as a good thing at the end of December:

Our dog L.P. He's not what we wanted when we were looking for a dog. We wanted a short-haired, 40-50 lb lady dog. He's not a lady. He's fluffy. He's topped out at 18 lbs. But, man, is he cute and awesome.
I've been thinking about dogs a lot lately, how they improve our lives. It doesn't matter who I disagree with at work. It doesn't matter if jerks were mean during the commute home. When I open that back door, L.P. is standing there waiting for me, tail wagging, hooting his happiness that I'm around.
He's a snuggler. He's a fetcher. Unfortunately, he's a barker and (most unfortunate for men in the 5'10" to 6'2" range) a jumper. He swims. He doesn't know he's a small dog. He hates doorbells and not being included in stuff. His favorite treats are greenies, carrots, and dog food soaked in bacon grease (in that order). If he had to choose between starving to death or never playing fetch again, I fear he wouldn't be long for this world.
He's a star. And he makes both Dan and my life better each day he's in it.

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