Saturday, September 2, 2017


After writing my last catch up to 2017, I discovered that I had drafted a "Ketchup" for 2016. . . it's all about Archer, so I'm including it here. Truth be told, I'm not convinced anyone reads this. This is more my journal than anyone else's literature, so I kind of don't worry about doing stuff like this. But if you are out there reading this, thanks so much for your continued patience and indulgence: 2016: So, this is me catching up. It's going to be word heavy, because a lot has happened. Have I already mentioned that I left my job of 11 years? I loved that job. Felt defined by that job. . . until I didn't. Until it became a thing I dragged myself to every day. Until it became a a thing I actually feared, like spiders or heights. Such a deeply unsettled place, filled with other scared and sad people. How does a thing turn like that? When I took sick leave, I couldn't read books or look at magazines or watch TV. I couldn't bear other people's news. I'd been drowning in other people's emotions for years. So, very very strange. But I changed my life utterly. Jobless and supported by my husband, I became the mother to the world's best baby. Loads of mothers think their babies are the best, but that's a subjective declaration based on the blindness of maternal love. But that is not the case in this instance. Here are the facts and you decide: 1. This baby stops frickin' traffic (No lie. This happened in Pittsburgh this past Spring. A lady pulled over on a busy street to scream at us about how she almost had an accident while staring at our beautiful baby. I swear. She did. I am not making this up). 2. He has had a full head of dark hair since birth that has never fallen out. (*whispering because it seems unfair to get to say this out loud: And when he was born, that dark hair had gold tips. . . like he'd just come back to the mainland after surfing in Hawaii for a month). 3. He started sleeping through the night at 2 months old. 7pm to 6am. Crazy. 4. Before he understood what emotions were all about, he rarely cried. He cried only if hungry or sitting in a poo diaper. He's more complicated now at 1.5 years old. But still, a very happy kiddo the vast majority of the time. 5. He was adopted and so came along with a whole other family to tag on to ours and we love them. Being a mom feels lucky. To get to stay with him at home feels like a gift. But to also get along so well with his birth family is a fucking miracle. I thank my lucky stars daily. 6. He's funny. 7. He's brave. 8. He'll eat almost anything put in front of him. 9. He's never had "stranger danger" and is sweet and gentle with everyone he meets. 10. He calls me "Mimi" or sometimes "Meemo" (god, I love Meemo.) 11. He loves dogs. All dogs. Every dog. And barks at everyone he sees. 2017 Update: He no longer calls me "Meemo" *sigh. But he does call me "Mama" which I love to no end.

Catch up

It's been 2.5 years since I wrote here. My last post was correct. 2015 was when we finally got to meet our son. We were matched with a family that chose us just a few weeks later and by March, we had Archer Stewart Phillips--the most perfect, easiest, most beautiful baby in the history of babies (this is a completely objective opinion, obviously. . . all kidding aside, he WAS sleeping through the night at a mere 2 months old and he was born with a full head of beautiful brown, gold-tipped hair that never fell out, so. . . ). We're still pals with his birth family and we see them a few times a year. But with the addition of Archer, everything in our lives changed. We had a new team member with new needs. Our social lives changed. The pull home to Cincinnati to a simpler life and the chance to be closer to family (cousins!) and the family farm got more urgent. So, we sold our little Cicero bungalow and moved all our stuff, our bebeh, and our wee dog to Cincinnati. A short stint in my folks' house in Hyde Park and then we found the perfect Money Pit in Northside. So, now we're on Pullan Avenue in a stretch of lovely old (1800's old. for real.) brick Victorian homes. There are coffee houses, small Mom&Pop restaurants, two (TWO!!) record stores, a public library, breweries/music venues, a public swimming pool and splash pad, and more playgrounds than you could shake a stick at within a 6 block radius of our house. And the neighborhood is lousy with 2 year olds. It would be hard for the house-situation to be better. At some point, I will write a whole post just about the house. . . because there are stories there for the sharing. But, while everything is not easy 100% of the time and we miss our chosen family back in Chicago, life is a little gentler here and we feel lucky and we feel like we're home. So, that's the catch up for anyone still out there reading blogs. I will feel free to just pick up like I never left off.