Last weekend, Dan and I threw a dinner party. . . a big, wander around and chat and graze on the food and drink and laugh party. I have almost no pictures from the actual party at all. This is unconscionably lame, but it might also mean that I was having far too much fun to take many moments to remove myself with a camera.
But we had loads of good food and, happily, loads of good leftovers. I smoked two pork butts and Cicero's annual free turkey. All turned out well, but I brined a turkey for the first time ever and it was worth it. I have no idea if that turkey was any good at the start, but by the end of brining and cooking, that thing was miraculous--juicy, rich, yummy. (easy peasy folks, 2 Qts. apple juice, 1 cup kosher salt and enough water in a big container to fully cover the bird and leave it over night. To cook, I just stuffed it with a cut up honeycrisp apple, lemon, head of garlic and onion, then put it in the oven and literally left it alone until it was time to come out.)
So, with leftovers, what to do?

Turkey potpies!

Everyone heartily approved except for L.P. because he didn't get to share.