This past week, a bunch of my co-worker buddies and I went to the Siskel Center to see the new Louder Than A Bomb documentary. . . and it was sooooo great. Seriously, if it ends up in theatrical release near you or is eventually available through Netflix, you have to see it.
There are so many docs out right now about educational sadnesses in the States, but this is not one of them. It's nothing but good news--a movie about young people becoming more themselves and more humane and more centered and powerful through poetry. They find families in one another through Chicago's biggest poetry slam youth competition "Louder Than A Bomb"--an event near and dear to my heart because so much of it has taken place on Columbia's campus and because a bunch of those kids end up in HSSI (the arts program I ran) year after year.
Bonus! Here are two haikus I photographed the same night, written by Columbia students and then put up in the Harrison Red Line stop. It's poetry and so thematically linked.
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