It's going to be crazy cold tomorrow. . . freeze the nose right off your face cold. 8 degrees is the expected high with "sub zero windchills" predicted. Wish I could skip work, stay at home, and whip up another batch of the fish pie I made this past weekend.
It's Jamie Oliver's recipe. . . I can't claim credit for thinking it up. But, man, was it good! It's actually an "upside down" pie. Truthfully, it's not a pie at all.
Spinach cooked in olive oil, lemon juice, salt and minced garlic cooked in the pan first. Add a layer of freshly cooked polenta on top of that. Then lay out fish (this time I used shrimp, mussels, cod, and perch) that have been tossed in lemon juice, lemon zest, sea salt, pepper, spicy red pepper and thyme, and cook in the oven for 15 minutes.
Shut the door! It's the yummiest comfort food ever, and I swear it's better the next day as leftovers. . . even heated up in a microwave.
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