The second day, our one full day, was filled with trying to make sense of the Third Ward, doing a little antiquing, seeing a Brewer's game and then trying to find a less formal yummy dinner in town. Success and failure, but tons of fun.
First we checked out the Third Ward and the Milwaukee Public Market. I'm super sorry, Milwaukee, but both were a crushing disappointment. Both seemed not at all what we were expecting. . . gorgeous old industrial architecture, but filled sparsely with frivolous shops. And Dan and I, having grown up with the Westside market in Cleveland and Findlay Market in Cincinnati (respectively), were disappointed by the Milwaukee market--as if it was way more worried about being fancy for the Third Ward regulars, than it was in reflecting the German/sausagey/beery history of the area. Fail.

The one nice thing I can say about the Third Ward is that the buildings are lovely and we were keen to walk around and gawk at the architecture. Love the broad sidewalk-deep awnings--reminds me more of the South than the Midwest.

And this boardwalk by the river was a nice walk as well.

Stopped for some antiquing later in the day. Dan got an amazing black fish-shaped bakelite (?) dish. And at long last, I got a cake cover and the charming fellow 2 pictures below. But this next photo is the yard between the back of an antique shop and a house. Cute garden and I was hoping sincerely that that was the shop owner's commute.

Brewer's Stadium is beautiful. And it was a gorgeous hot and sunny day. But a part of me hoped for rain so we could see how the roof worked. . .

Ladybugs. . . the international symbol for my sweetie, Bugg. And these were truck-sized, climbing a downtown building.

We had a hard time finding a dinner spot a second night in a row. Root was really posh, so we wanted something a little less fancy--but still tasty, of course. And I was really difficult to please. I don't even remember the name of this place, but it was out by the river. . . a nice watery breeze on the outdoor patio.

And we had a brilliant fried clam appetizer. But then they were out of the shrimp/scallop tacos I wanted and there was a crazy loud boastful drunk guy behind us dropping the f-bomb every third word, so we skedaddled back to the County Clare for carrot cake for me and a giant corned beef sandwich for Dan.