My buddy Karen is expecting a little baby soon--the first girl from my group of friends and so I'm beside myself with excitement. Though, around Karen I try to keep really calm, because she's terrified of the impending birth and sudden movements make her jumpy.
I'm throwing a shower for her this next weekend and am trying to figure out how to pull out all the stops on a fairly limited budget. I'm also oddly trying to decide if we should have all white foods. . . not sure why, but I'm definitely considering. . .
Saturday, February 28, 2009
As long as we assume the doll house hasn't gone down in value, we'll be okay. . .
Or what about this?
This stuff is brilliant. From MelissaSue on Etsy as well! Using the same techniques as I do with decidedly different results. Lovely, strange creatures. Check out her blog, too, to get more insight into the creation of her new bird-leg cottages. It's just the kind of prefect blend of creepy and cute that I adore!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
I love Etsy
I sell things on Etsy. And it's a great set up for a site. . . so easy to use for even the most tech afraid. But more than the selling, I just love the visual world this opens up of creative work by artists and crafters I would otherwise not get to see.
For example, ememem from Galway. Her stuff is redonkulously cute and where would I see the work of this awesome Irish crafter otherwise?
New Pillar and Friend
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Columbia College Chicago has released the new print pieces announcing this year's Manifest (an arts festival that showcases all of their graduating seniors and grads, chock full of theater, music and dance performances, film screenings, performance art, gallery exhibits. . . essentially all things awesome) and I love them. Illustrations done by one of their students that looks to me like what might happen if Gorey and Miro teamed up to make art together. Her name is Rachal Duggan and I'm planning on becoming a fan of her work.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
High Fidelity Days
Years ago, I used to frequent Earwax in Chicago's arty Bucktown/Wicker Park district quite a bit. A lot of my friends lived in the neighborhood when rents were still affordable and there were loads of three flats that hadn't yet converted to (or been torn down for) condos. Those were the salad years, when I was still working retail. . . skinny less from working out and more from not being able to afford to buy much food.
And I loved Earwax. Pretty affordable food, but it still felt like splurging--soups with a chunk of brie, yummy tea, the perfect fall food near the end of the month when I realized I'd come in under budget and I could afford to pay to sit somewhere and doodle in my sketchbook. I haven't been in years. That neighborhood was decidedly tied to a younger period in my life.
But selling books at Myopic the other day with the boy, I took a weird turn while walking and ended up at the back of Earwax in the alley. . . and the even the colorful back of the place made me a little nostalgic for younger days.
And I loved Earwax. Pretty affordable food, but it still felt like splurging--soups with a chunk of brie, yummy tea, the perfect fall food near the end of the month when I realized I'd come in under budget and I could afford to pay to sit somewhere and doodle in my sketchbook. I haven't been in years. That neighborhood was decidedly tied to a younger period in my life.
But selling books at Myopic the other day with the boy, I took a weird turn while walking and ended up at the back of Earwax in the alley. . . and the even the colorful back of the place made me a little nostalgic for younger days.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Stoughton, WI
Just back from a short Valentines getaway to Stoughton, Wisconsin. Around Valentines Day every year, the man and I cross the invisible cabin fever threshold. On one side of that threshold, we are enjoying the coziness of winter, we like our house and are enjoying being homebodies. On the other side of the threshold is total stir-craziness, disliking looking at any of the walls inside our home, and needing spring desperately.
So, this year we did something about it and left town for two short days to visit a little town in Wisconsin that we've never been to. Stayed in the Naeset-Roe B and B, where Carl, the owner tried to overwhelm us first with the cuteness of his sheltie (Zack) and then the size and deliciousness of his breakfasts. Successful on both counts. Thanks, Carl! Amazing!
Lots of time spent outdoors--hiking, sledding, eventually playing with the pooch on the frozen Lake Kegonsa--and lots of time spent antiquing and eating. It was nice to be elsewhere for a few days.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Friends at 622press: a letterpress studio
Hello Work
Heard on NPR today that unemployment offices in Japan are called "Hello Work" offices, sort of like Hello Kitty? As NPR reports, the name is meant to take the stigma out of being unemployed, because being unemployed is much more shameful in Japan than we necessarily think of it being here in the States.
I'm worried about how broken the world seems right now and I hope an economic turn around comes sooner rather than later.
I'm worried about how broken the world seems right now and I hope an economic turn around comes sooner rather than later.
Knit Graffiti
Yeah! This is post is for my mother who hasn't seen any knit graffiti in Cincinnati. In a short cut block of Oak Park--lined with small restaurants and shops--every tree in the block has its very own sweater. The husband and I first noticed this back during the holidays, and since then the graffiti has changed. So, a knit graffiti artist that obviously won't put up with faded colors! Love it!
I've seen a lot of this around Chicago. I like tree wraps best, but I saw an amazing bike rack entirely covered from end to the other that I wish I had a picture of.
Fabric Flower
In scarflette land, I'm trying a few new things. Crochet is one, and I'm finding that I like the tailored look of simple double and triple crochet. Neat tidy lines. And drawstring closures is the other. I tried that before last Fall's Renegade. And though I sold one of my creations to a woman who caught up with me again at Christmas telling me she loved it and she constantly got positive comments about it. . . they just didn't feel right to me. Too loose at the top and bottom or something?
But these new attempts make me very happy!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I found this yarn online and immediately made a scarflette out of it, but I have more of it and its begging to also be turned into something larger. A giant cowl? I'm not sure just yet. . .
Commute Show
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Cool? or Terrible Tragedy?
Here are the snow boxes that crews were building earlier this week across the street from my office. They're about 4' wide by 7' tall. Big icy behemoths. Except that it's supposed to get up to 50 degrees this weekend and the ice boxes aren't being carved until next weekend.
Blurg. They've wrapped them up in silver material to protect them, but I fear they may be puddles by Monday.
good art
really funny. some of mark jenkins stuff is funny, some witty, some political, some full on creepy. . . but i love it all.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
fun all around me
Something is afoot in Grant Park right across the street from where I work. . . something fun. Last week, a snow machine was making a humongoid pile of snow. I thought maybe it was for a movie, and between you and me, I was hoping for it to be a weather disaster film in Chicago (NYC always gets to get destroyed on the big screen, but Chicago, when it does get smacked around by mother nature usually only does so on the small screen. And I'm jealous on behalf of my town).
But today, a crew has put up a tent and they're digging up the manufactured snow and packing it into a giant metal form to create a long row of snow/ice boxes. Makes me want to sneak in in the thick of the night (you know, if I weren't such a wuss in the cold) and carve up one of those boxes into something splendid.
Pictures later, when more snow boxes go up.
But today, a crew has put up a tent and they're digging up the manufactured snow and packing it into a giant metal form to create a long row of snow/ice boxes. Makes me want to sneak in in the thick of the night (you know, if I weren't such a wuss in the cold) and carve up one of those boxes into something splendid.
Pictures later, when more snow boxes go up.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
city mouse, country mouse

I live in Chicagoland, but my people live in Cincinnati and work full time on the family farm in Cleves, OH. So, I've chosen to be a city mouse, while my brother has chosen to be a country mouse. And this works out really nicely for us, because I love visiting the country, and when my brother and his wife's schedule allows, they love to visit the city.
But sometimes visiting doesn't feel like enough for me, the city mouse. I wish I could be there more--certainly to help out and to see how the farm changes from season to season, but also selfishly to take part in (i.e. eat) the harvest. I miss the work and the family and the land.
Thankfully, they all keep me in the loop and send me updates and amazing photos, and I secret squirrel study the farm's blog that my brother manages when I need a country fix. This past year, my brother added bee keeping to the already long list of farm activities/businesses. I've always been a fan of bees and the work they do, but now I'm getting to understand their fascinating personalities and work ethic vicariously through my brother.
Here are a few pics of bees being amazing even during the winter. . . and inspiring, too. If these little skinny guys can keep at it in the cold and the snow, then with my coat and mittens and boots and scarves, I can certainly keep plugging away even in sub-zero temps.
Monday, February 2, 2009
in between project
I am absolutely still working on the upcoming twins. . . in my head. Trying to figure out exactly how to put them together so that they're perfect.
In the meantime, I'm working on a project to learn how to build things differently in crochet. . . and hopefully end up with a cute/weird little toyster by the end.
It's my first go at a caterpillar. Here's a picture of him half way done (visiting the Sears Tower!). He still needs legs. . . but now that I am just shy of done, based on leg attachment, I am starting to consider a rider for him? And perhaps a wee 'pillar saddle?
One of the many upsides of working at a giant arts college is that the graffiti that's ubiquitous in a big city, is usually kicked up a few notches around campus--not just tagging, but wheat paste ffiti and usually a little witty or mounted in unusual ways. Plenty of knit graffiti.
I am not condoning this. . . but I have been taking pictures. Love the simplicity of the big green wheat paste head. and the screaming/laughing triangle? I just think it's a funny use of an empty bolt hole on a city sign post.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
attic time
i took pictures in my attic today. the sun has changed in its trajectory and the back white brick hall is more muted than it was in December. My pictures in that space are not turning out as I would like. But the dark reddish brown of the attic walls and ceilings are gorgeous on film.
it's strange how transitory light is. . . I would be more happy with that change in light if it signified that spring was close at hand. But I know, realistically, that spring is still a good 3-4 months away.
Happy Surprise
Saw the Puppet Bike of Chicago last night before dinner with my man and friends at Reza's up on North Clark. I've seen him plenty of times downtown. . . usually somewhere near the Art Institute. But we haven't been back to the old neighborhood for a while, so we weren't expecting him there.
Nice to see a bunny and a dog dancing to big band swing in a nostlagic blue light, unexpectedly. The cold has been trapping us at home and the snow is going nowhere, so seeing anything unexpected is surprisingly powerful.
The pup and bun made me laugh and laugh and laugh--on a day when I was crabby crabby crabby--and D leaned over and said in response to my laughing, "You're easy."
And he's right. Yah to the Puppet Bike for raising my spirits mid-Winter.
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